Microblogging News

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Qaiku integrates Twitter

Qaiku a very small Twitter/Shoutitout/Plurk competitor has pulled in some heavy Twitter integration. The site now allows you to add your entire Twitter stream to your account a view it via a “Twitter” tab, you can also forward to Twitter your Pulses as they are called.

There is a “Share” tab that drops down along with several other tabs when you start to type a Pulse, the other tabs are mostly attachments, but the “Share” tab is the one it goes to by default.

You can also forward Pulses to Facebook but you can’t view your Facebook feed on the site.

Qaiku has had allot of issue growing and supporting itself recently because of new hot startups like Shoutitout and Google+ sucking in all the attention. Plus now with the launch of Heello, Qaiku is going to have to roll out some really nice stuff in order to have a chance of survival.

For those of you who noticed the similarity of Jaiku and Qaiku, it is basically a clone.

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