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Category Archives: Heello

Heello launches video

Heello has just launched video uploading to its Twitter competitor, making the second major difference between it and Twitter.

The site announced the feature today, you can upload a video by hitting the camera button and selecting the video you want to upload, basically the same was as you upload a photo except it shows up in video format.

The video is put in a very simple customized Heello video player, the only thing I don’t like about this feature is that when you opt to view the video full screen it only covers the web browser and not the whole screen so you can’t see the whole full screen, other than this it is a pretty nice feature.

No word yet on time limits for videos but my question is how much server space is this going to take up because Heello already had to cut its public timeline feature due to high capacity.

Heello now at 1 million Pings

As we recently reported Heello had hit 500,000 Pings in less than 48 hours, now it has 1,000,000.

The site seems to be growing day by day and adding more Pings day by day as well we aren’t exactly sure how many a second/minute it is averaging but we would gess around 10 a second and 60 a minute.

This time the milestone Ping wasn’t deleted and was posted by @andinimiftaa saying: “Gue dilahirkan untuk jadi diri gue sendiri bukan jadi orang lain !” for those wondering that is Indonesian and says “I was born to be myself rather than be someone else!” if you translate it to English.

The site announced the milestone via, of course, Ping on its official Heello account says “We hit 1 million pings in 2 days!” which is an impressive stat.

The site is also closing in or may have already hit 100,000 members so hey, maybe it will give Twitter a run for its money. We will see.

Heello hits 500,000 Pings in less then 24 hours

Continuing its good start, startup Heello has hit 500,000 Pings as of around  11:49PM Pacific.

The site hasn’t Pinged about it yet most likely because it is headquarted in Charleston, South Carolina and it is alomst 3am in the morning there.

The annoying part? As far as we can tell the 500,000th Ping has been deleted. Every Ping gets a URL for example http://heello.com/p/34212 (no idea where that goes) a

nd if you go to http://heello.com/p/500000 there isn’t anything there it gives you a 404 page but http://heello.com/p/500001 says “@RisaPutri udah kok” and is posted by @devaaanDP, and 499,999 says “@salsabilaaa udah di listback. makasih ya:-)” and is posted by @Dhearizky.

We are actually pretty impressed with the sites hot start but can it keep it up or is it doomed to failure? We will find out I guess.


Heello averages 4 Pings a second on first day

New startup Heello has started a little faster than other startups of similar design and features. The site had an average of 4 Pings a second on its first day, granted this isn’t near what Twitter gets and really Shoutitout gets more than this to, but it is a solid start and is a much better start than either of those two sites got.

The site is closing in on 200,000 Pings and after one day of being on the web that is pretty nice of a number. For those wondering, the site is hosted by Amazon but on a special server, not in the regular cloud like allot of other hot startups. This fixes the issue of it going down with the rest of the internet when the Amazon Cloud goes down like it did recently.

As far as we can tell Hello has more than 25,000 members to date and it probably has around 30 or 40 thousand. We don’t know how many photos have been posted but are trying to find a source who may have information on the matter. It is always hard to find out this kind of information on startups so it could be awhile before we have that kind of thing about Heello.

One thing is for sure, it has given itself a nice little start, lets see where it goes from here.

The fake account problem on Heello

Heello has gotten an interesting response as a knock off of Twitter, but it has also been filled with fake accounts. Most sites get a few Justin Biebers or Lady Gagas but Heello is getting fakes like crazy.

The site is working on a way to pull the fakes out of the userbase but for now the site will be filled with fake accounts. These accounts include: @cnet, @googleplus, @yahoo, @twitter, @youtube, @shoutitout, @ev, @wikileaks, @martzuckerberg and many others.

The site has also gotten its full collection of Justin Biebers the most notable being @justinbieb who is also a fake.

For now if a “company” joins Heello don’t trust anything posted on the account in till the company confirms that the account is theirs. All the accounts we listed above have confirmed with us that they made no account on Heello.

Some stats for Heello really quickly. The site has a little more than 16,500 Pings and around 5,000 users. We can’t get the exact stat for the users that is just the amount of listeners the official @Heello account has, that account isn’t a fake by the way.

Proof the listed accounts are fake just by the Pings they have posted:

Twitpic founder launches Twitter competitor

Twitpic founder Noah Everette has launched a new site called Heello, it is almost exactly like Twitter.

The site was announced awhile back and has been in privet testing for a while now but really the only noticeable difference between it and Twitter is that it has a public streaming feed that you can’t pause, but don’t have to click messages to see more “Pings.”

Aside from that the site basically just changes the words of everything and allows you to use it, just like Twitter.

The site is also currently mostly fake accounts making fun of the site, like Mark Zuckerbergs page that has a description saying “I made Facebook, bitch!” so don’t but to much weight into what you hear on Heello.

It is also very possible this might just be an attack on Twitter for some revenge since Twitter launched a competitor (that it recently just deployed to the whole web, which may have something to do with the all of a sudden launch.) Twitter also blindsided Twitpic about the feature when they told yFrog and other sites that offered similar photo sharing to Twitter features. This could just be an F-you Twitter site.

Everette did “Ping” that features he has planned for the site will make it stand out from others, we will see.

What a profile on the site looks like: